Error details Solution
[Installation failure: "Not installed" or "Update required" message repeats even after manual installation]
Even after direct installation, the message "Not installed" or "Update required" appears repeatedly
※ There are cases where the cache remains and is not newly reflected.
  1. ⑴ Clear the cache of the site you are accessing and try again.
  2. How to clear cache
  3. ⑵ Keyboard Shortcuts : Ctrl + Shift + R  
  4. or Ctrl + F5  
  5. ⑶ After installing other security programs provided by the site you are using
  6. Clear the site cache and reconnect
[ErrorCode : KOS-5002]
⑴ If an error occurs: ERROR_PROTECTION_FAILED
  1. ⑴ Keyboard security manual installation : After installing the manual installation file
  2. [KOS_Setup.exe] 설치 후 (reboot)
  3. ⑵ Edge, Chrome, FireFox browsers are recommended
  4. ⑶ Use Edge or Chrome browser instead of "Avast Secure Browser"
  5. ⑷ Clear internet cache and connect
Windows security update recommended
※ We recommend using Windows 10 or higher operating system (OS).
▶ At least Windows 7 SP2 (Service Pack 2) or higher

※ OS you are using : [ ]

  1. How to update Windows security
  2. ⑴ Windows 10, Windows 11
  3.     : Settings -> Update & Security -> Check for updates
  4. ⑵ Windows 8.1
  5.     : Control Panel -> Windows Update -> Check for Updates
  6. ※ The first update takes time and requires two or more reboots.

※ If you are a Windows 7 user

  - On January 14, 2020, Microsoft ended support for Windows 7.

  - If it is difficult to replace or upgrade right away, we recommend updating to at least Windows 7 Service Pack 2 or higher.

If you are a Windows 7 user, be sure to check it out.

※ If you are a Windows XP user

  - We recommend installing the latest OS or upgrading your computer.   /   " What is "Windows XP"? / "Windows XP" update MS site

※ Support for Windows 8

  - In MS, it ended on January 12, 2016, and support for Windows 8.1 will end on January 10, 2023.   /   View MS Official Guide

When a problem or symptom occurs while using the website
We recommend that you try using two or more web browsers.
  1. ⑴ If it doesn't work in Chrome, try again in IE.
  2. ⑵ If it does not work in IE, try again in other web browsers such as Chrome.
  3. Download Google Chrome

※ As of June 15, 2022, Microsoft (MS) has ended official support for the IE 11 web browser.

- When technical support ends, IE 11 may become vulnerable to security threats such as hacking.

- IE users are recommended to use the latest web browsers such as Edge and Chrome.

- View MS announcements following the end of IE 11 support

If you cannot enter the joint certificate password in 'Sign Korea'
⑴ Cases that occur when renewing, reissuing, or managing joint certificates
⑵ If the same symptom occurs on other sites
  1. ⑴ Your PC is
  2. ⑵ You need to check whether the bit of the browser you are using is the same as
  3. that of your PC.
  4. ⑶ If the bit of your PC and browser are different, reinstall the browser
  5. (close the browser and relaunch it) and reconnect to the site.
  6. Check your browser bit
[ErrorCode : KDF0005]
User does not consent to elevation of privilege
  1. ⑴ Run with administrator privileges.
  2. ⑵ Keyboard security manual installation : After installing the manual installation file
  3. [KOS_Setup.exe] (reboot)
  4. uac.exe Disable User Account Control (UAC) (must reboot)
[ErrorCode : KDF2001]
Keyboard security program not installed (kdfinj.dll integrity)
  1. ⑴ Click 'Execute' in the security warning message when running HTS
  2. ⑵ Keyboard security manual installation: After installing the manual installation file
  3. [KOS_Setup.exe] (reboot)
[ErrorCode : KDF0002]
Keyboard security does not work normally
  1. Close and restart HTS
  2. In the case of an old PC, execution is not possible due to excessive CPU and memory usage.
  3. ⑴ Simultaneously touch Ctrl + Shift + Esc to run Task Manager
  4. ⑵ Check the usage rate of the performance tab when running HTS (requires PC
  5. inspection or replacement)
  6. ⑶ The kdfhok.dll file inside C:\Windows\System32 copy to kdfhok.dll
[ErrorCode : KDF0003, KDF20001]
In the case of using "McAfee Internal Security"
  1. Applied during initial installation
  2. ⑴ Right-click on the Internet browser and click "Run as Administrator"
  3. ⑵ Right-click the program and click "Run as Administrator"
[ErrorCode : KDF0003]
Keyboard security program error
⑴ Keyboard security is repeatedly blocked and terminated (malicious code or utility)
⑵ Conflict with other security tools
⑶ If the CPU load of the PC is high
  1. ⑴ Keyboard security manual installation: After installing the manual installation file
  2. [KOS_Setup.exe] (reboot)
  3. ⑵ CPU utilization check
  4. ⑶ Antivirus checks whether the keyboard security blocking module is blocked,
  5. and if it is blocked, an exception is processed.
  6. (Overseas vaccines such as Daum Cleaner, Process Clean, and Kaspersky)
  7. ⑷ In case of recurring problems, remote support is required
[ErrorCode : KDF0010]
When the CPU or RAM usage rate is 95-100%, the keyboard security module is also temporarily stopped.
  1. ⑴ PC check (check antivirus, process with high CPU and RAM usage)
  2. ⑵ Termination (deletion) of overloaded processes (programs) to reduce CPU usage
  3. ⑶ Reuse after installing the manual installation file [KOS_Setup.exe]
  4. ⑷ PC specification upgrade review (e.g. HDD -> SSD, memory expansion, etc.)
[ErrorCode : KDF0009]
Corrupted keyboard security program (kdfinj.dll or kdfmod.dll)
  1. ⑴ Keyboard security manual installation: After installing the manual installation file
  2. [KOS_Setup.exe] (reboot)
  3. ⑵ For Windows 7 or later, if the above (1) fails, You can solve the problem by
  4. following the guide below.
  5. See the solution when the keyboard security program is damaged
[ErrorCode : KDF0011]
⑴ DigiCert Certificate Signature Corruption
⑵ If the electronic signature verification of the keyboard security file fails
※ For reference, "DigiCert Certificate" is installed by default when the OS is installed.
  1. View Solutions for DigiCert Certificate Signature Compromise
  2. ⑵ Keyboard security manual installation: After installing the manual installation file
  3. [KOS_Setup.exe] (reboot)
  4. ⑶ Right-click on the Internet browser and click "Run as Administrator"
  5. ※ In addition, it is recommended to check if there are any other problems in the case of a PC having a "DigiCert certificate" problem.
[ErrorCode : KOS-4004]
⑴ If the electronic signature verification of the keyboard security file fails
⑵ When the file is blocked by the antivirus
  1. ⑴ Keyboard security manual installation: After installing the manual installation file
  2. [KOS_Setup.exe] (reboot)
  3. ⑵ Antivirus checks whether or not the keyboard security blocking module is blocked,
  4. and handles exceptions.
  5. ⑶ For Windows 7 or later, if (1) and (2) fails, You can solve the problem by following
  6. the guide below.
  7. See the solution when the keyboard security program is damaged
  8. ⑷ In case of recurring problem, remote support is required
[ErrorCode : KDF1001]
Name : UNKNOWN_DRIVER" message
- In case of modifying the OS kernel
  1. ⑴ Keyboard security manual installation: After installing the manual installation file
  2. [KOS_Setup.exe] (reboot)
  3. ⑵ If it reoccurs after reinstallation, contact the consultation window or technical
  4. support center.
  5. : 1544-1014, mail to Administrator
[Installation Error :
Installation failed after about 80% of the installation program progressed]
After running the Keyboard Security Installer, 'Installation was cancelled.' If it says
  1. ⑴ Add and Modify Folder Permissions
  2. See how to set folder permissions
  3. ⑵ Manual installation after termination of overseas security program
[Installation error: Installation error in Internet Explorer]
⑴ Repeated installation of keyboard security program in Internet Explorer, not executed
⑵ Untrusted Publishers
Customers using ActiveX keyboard security are recommended to switch to the Non-ActiveX version. (Contact: mail to Administrator)
  1. ⑴ Run IE Kingspatch (reboot)
  2. ⑵ Block Publisher: Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Content -> Publisher ->
  3. Untrusted Publisher -> Remove Kings Information & Network
  4. ⑶ Block add-on management: Tools – Manage add-ons – Use kdefense8 Control
  5. (change)
  6. ⑷ ActiveX Filtering: If Tool – ActiveX Filtering is checked, uncheck it.
[If ababab or 121212 or ****** values ​​are output when input]
⑴ In the case of Hangul and Computer Hancom Office User PC
⑵ When using a mechanical keyboard
  1. ⑴ Restore MS default IME input method
  2. See how to change the Hancom input method
  3. ⑵ Disable N key (infinite simultaneous input) or macro of mechanical keyboard
  4. ⑶ If you are using a DeckKeyboard, refer to the manual in the data room of the
  5. DeckKeyboard homepage.
  6. View DeckKeyboard homepage manual
  7. ⑷ In case of recurring problems, remote support is required
[Security module conflict]
AVAST Anti-Virus : "" or If "kdfinj.dll" is blocked
  1. ⑴ Website ( inspection exception handling
  2. : Run Avast - Real-time processing - Web monitoring - Advanced settings - URL registration in Exceptions
  3. ⑵ Security module (kdfinj.dll) inspection exception processing
  4. : Run Avast - Preferences - Exceptions - Program Folder Registration
[Korean/English conversion disorder]
Korean/English conversion is not possible in i-PIN or identity verification
  1. ⑴ Start menu -> After entering CTFMON in the program and file search box,
  2. run ctfmon.exe at the top
[Blue Screen]
After creating a blue screen dump, send it to the administrator by mail
(관리자에게 메일)
See how to create a bluescreen dump
  1. ⑴ In case of occurrence in HTS : In case of Windows 7, Vista, HTS property
  2. - Check compatibility check release
  3. ⑵ Keyboard security manual installation: After installing the manual installation file
  4. [KOS_Setup.exe] (reboot)
[Blue screen, PC down: OS after January 2018]
Compatibility with MS patch related to Intel CPU meltdown
⑴ OS: Windows 7 (32bit) or Windows 8 (32bit)
Keyboard Type : In case of PS/2 type keyboard
(After MS OS update KB4088875 patch: 2018.03.14)
⑵ OS : Windows 7 (64bit) or Windows 8, 8.1 (64bit)
Keyboard Type : In case of PS/2 type keyboard
(After MS OS update KB4056897 patch: 2018.01.03)
  1. Proceed with the following procedure
  2. ⑴ Reboot progress
  3. ⑵ Click the manual installation file [KOS_Setup.exe] to download
  4. ⑶ Run the downloaded file
  5. ⑷ 정Check normal operation
  6. ※ If you still have problems after completing the procedure, contact the consultation window or technical support center
  7. : 1544-1014, mail to administrator
⑴ If there is something monitoring the USB port (malware or utility)
⑵ Conflict with other security tools
  1. ⑴ Install with the manual installation file [KOS_Setup.exe] and use the service
  2. after rebooting
  3. ⑵ Recurring problem requires remote support
[PC Maintenance Information]
※ It is recommended to check PCs that have passed more than 2~3 years after
OS installation.
○ It is recommended to use a specialized company (expert)
(→ Refer to [PC inspection company information] on the right)
○ OS upgrade, reinstall or update
○ Replace hard disk with SSD (helps improve performance)
  (Reference: SSD types and characteristics /
How to find out the lifespan of my computer's SSD)
Hard disk data recovery
Hard disk life
  1. [Information on PC maintenance companies]
  2. Evercall computer repair web application / mobile app installation
  3. Com Doctor
  4. Naver PC maintenance search
  5. Samsung Electronics service
  6. LG Electronics service
  1. [Portal site search: PC/Laptop]
  2. PC purchase reference
  3. Notes on purchasing a laptop
※Please note that the contents of the [PC Check/Purchase Guide] are simple recommendations and references, so the choice should be made according to the user's circumstances, and the decision is also at the user's responsibility.